
October 12

Fernanda Young - Beyond My Control

Susanna Lira

Batalha - Sala 2 | 15h
QP - Female Authors in Conversation
October 12

If I Die, It’ll Be of Joy

Alexis Taillant

Batalha - Sala 2 | 17h15
QP - Panorama
October 12

The Disappearance of Shere Hite

Nicole Newnham

Batalha - Sala 2 | 19h30
QP - Panorama
October 12

The Summer with Carmen

Zacharias Mavroeidis

Batalha - Sala 1 | 21h30
QP - Special Screenings
October 12

Them Fado Bicha

Justine Lemahieu

Batalha - Sala 1 | 19h15
QP - Special Screenings
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