Fernanda Young - Beyond My Control
Susanna Lira
Documentary : 87' / Art & Artists, Feminism, Women

A dive into the intimate and creative universe of writer, screenwriter and TV host Fernanda Young. The documentary adopts an unconventional approach and transforms itself into a poetic essay, using disruptive archival collages and visual and sound landscapes of intimate moments. The film is also an invitation to reflect on creativity and artistic courage.


October 12 | 15h | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Female Authors in Conversation

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Brazil

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Fernanda Young

/ Direction

Susanna Lira


Susanna Lira is a filmmaker, with a postgraduate degree in Philosophy, International Law and Human Rights. She is also a Master's student in Psychoanalysis. Lira has directed 17 feature films and dozens of short films and series.




2024 - Fernanda Young - Foge-me ao Controle (Documentary)

2023 - Nada sobre Meu Pai (Documentary)

2022 - Casão: num Jogo sem Regras (Documentary) 

2021 - A Mãe de Todas as Lutas (Documentary) 

2020 - Prazer em Conhecer (Documentary) 

2019 - In Search of Orpheus (Documentary) 

2018 - Mussum: um Filme do Cacildis (Documentary)

2017 - Clara Estrela (Documentary)

2016 - Intolerância.doc (Documentary)

2015 - Damas do Samba (Documentary)

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