Them Fado Bicha
Justine Lemahieu
Documentary : 81' / Art & Artists, Musical, Queer, Non-binary, Activism

Between 2019 and 2023, Justine Lemahieu captures various moments of Them Fado Bicha. The band, formed by the two artists and activists, Lila and João, allow themselves to be seen by the director in the intimacy of their dressing rooms, their gatherings and their homes. While answering questions that lead them to revisit the past, the documentary is also accompanied by moments that give us a look at their artistic expression - through Fado they uncompromisingly tell their stories and shape a musicality that reflects on the struggles of the LGBTQI+ community. Through their sound and lyrics, they open a process of acceptance, representation and reparation. Through their personal positioning they question society’s relationship with appearances, gender norms, language and sexuality. Lemahieu presents us with the opportunity of a “concert” where we can learn part of the journey and transformation of these two people as they establish themselves on the music scene but, above all, in their own vision of who they are. D.P.


October 12 | 19h15 | Batalha - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
QP - Special Screenings

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Portugal

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Lila Tiago, João Caçador, Venga Venga, Alice Azevedo, Yizhaq, Tita Maravilha

/ Direction

Justine Lemahieu


Justine Lemahieu (France, 1981) is a documentary director and editor. She lives and works in Lisbon since 2005, having made Portugal both her adopted country and the focus of her documentaries. She is particularly concerned with socio-economic issues, discrimination and daily forms of resistance.


2024 - As Fado Bicha (Documentary)
2019 - Sousa Martins (Documentary)

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