If I Die, It’ll Be of Joy
Alexis Taillant
Documentary : 80' / Elder, Activism, Community

Today's society is ageist and thanatophobic. Humans are valued as reproductive beings, and people are obsessed with looking forever young. The bodies of elder people are often forgotten, isolated, rejected. Faced with this question, Alexis Taillant contacted the Greypride organization in Paris, and it was there that he met Micheline, Francis and Yves, leaders of a group of older activists who want to revolutionize the lives of elder people, challenging stereotypes and judgments while redefining notions of sex, love and aging. Alongside them he made one of the best documentaries we have seen recently about the power of old age, a film full of well-executed ideas: focusing on the future rather than the past of the protagonists, narratively exploring their imagination and creativity, working visually on the notions of touch and from a distance to bring us closer to their intimacy, or make them dance to their favorite songs. A film that oozes with empathy. C.R.


October 12 | 17h15 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Panorama

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: France

Language: french

Subtitles: english

With: Micheline Boussaingault, Francis Carrier, Yves Vanhecke

/ Direction

Alexis Taillant


Alexis Taillant is a French filmmaker and producer.


2024 - Si Je meurs, ce sera de joie (Documentary)

2016 - Le vertige de Stendhal (Documentary)
2008 - Virages (Documentary)

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