The Disappearance of Shere Hite
Nicole Newnham
Documentary : 118' / Feminism, Women, Gender Studies, Sexuality

By the time she passed away, in 2020, Shere Hite was unknown even among the younger generation of feminists. Her survey trilogy, produced between 1976 and 1987, focused on North American’s sexuality and familial life. High rates of orgasmic frustration among women, an unconfessed affective need among men, so as recounts of same-sex relations, where crucial parts of these books. Although praised in the beginning, Hite’s findings were unbearable to the neo-puritan status quo that established itself after the sexual revolution, and Hite ended up finding in Europe the comfort of anonymity. Sustained by statements of friends and ex-lovers, and a thorough set of archival images and TV appearances, Nicole Newnham discloses in her film a woman of beauty and affluence: apt in financing her intellectual work by posing as a model; apt in avowing and living her bisexuality; apt in proposing a feminism which liberated women and men towards a satisfactory sexual and relational life. A portrait that was missing in the history of feminism and in the history of private life. C.C.H.


October 12 | 19h30 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Panorama

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: USA

Language: english and french

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Shere Hite, David Hasselhoff, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Conrad, Mike Douglas, Dakota Johnson (voice over)

/ Direction

Nicole Newnham


Nicole Newnham is a documentary producer and director. She is an Oscar-nominated, four-time Sundance Film Festival alumnus and six-time Emmy nominee. A graduate of Oberlin College and Stanford University’s Documentary Film graduate program, Nicole lives in Berkeley, California.


2023 – The Disappearance of Shere Hite (Documentary)

2020 – Crip Camp (Documentary)

2013 – The Revolutionary Optimists (Documentary)

2012 – Rare (Documentary)

2006 – The Rape of Europa (Documentary)

2006 – Sentenced Home (Documentary)

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