October 04
Queer Porto 9: Jury & Guests

Introducing the six elements that will be part of the two official juries of the 9th edition of Queer Porto:


The jury for the Official Competition includes performer and educator Dori Nigro, producer Isabel Correia and artist and director Tânia Dinis.


For the Casa Comum Award, the jury will be made up of sociologist Paula Guerra, psychologist Rita Aires and the representative of the Rectory of the University of Porto Susana Serro.


Also, Queer Porto 9 will be attended by a significant number of guests, including directors, producers and other professionals from the cinema industry:


Vivienne Dick, the director to whom we dedicate a large part of this year's retrospective, arrives from Ireland. And Paola Zaccaria travels from Italy to Queer Porto to present ALTAR. Crossing Borders, Building Bridges.


In the Official Competition, we will count with the presence of Catalan director Zaida Carmona, who will be presenting La Amiga de Mi Amiga.


In the Casa Comum Award strand, highlight for the presence of director Joana de Sousa, who presents Entre a Luz e o Nada; Miguel Martins, representing the film Tidy Bed; and Rebeca Letras, in representation of Dildotectónica.


We will also receive the visit of several guests who are participating in this year' conversations and debates complementing the Queer Focus Section films: writer Hannah Bastos, for a talk about bell hooks; curator Isabeli Santiago, for a conversation about Gloria Anzaldúa; and the presence of Isabel Almeida Rodrigues, Secretary of State for Equality and Migrations, present for a conversation about migratory flows in today's Europe following the screening of the film The Hearing.


The complete list of judges and guests can be found here.

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