April 29
Celebrating May 17th with the Goethe-Institut

As part of the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia, and Interphobia, on May 17th, the Goethe-Institut Portugal and the University of Porto present "Afetos Diversos - Uma Mostra de Filmes Alemães LGBTQIA+", taking place during the month of May at Casa Comum -  Rectory of the University of Porto, with a series of films, some of them already screened at Queer Lisboa.

The programme, which aims to promote dialogue and raise society's awareness of otherness (as a task of great relevance given the recent growth of hate speech and intolerance), features four contemporary films that address different themes surrounding sexuality and gender identity.

The four screenings will be complemented by a debate with the audience, three of them moderated by our festivals programming team members.

Complete program:

May 3rd, 6.30pm
"Neubau" (photo above), by Johannes Maria Schmit (Germany, 2020, 81')
Screening followed by a talk with the audience moderated by our programmer Constança Carvalho Homem.

May 17th, 6.30pm
"Futur Drei", by Faraz Shariat (Germany, 2020, 89')
Screening followed by a talk with the audience moderated by our programmer Daniel Pinheiro and by Allan Barbosa (Queer Tropical) 

May 24th, 6.30pm
"Zuhurs Töchter", by Laurentia Genske and Robin Humboldt (Germany, 2021, 89')
Screening followed by a talk with the audience moderated by our programmer Hilda de Paulo.

May 31st, 6.30pm
"Kokon", by Leonie Krippendorff and Steve Guttenberg (Germany, 2020, 95')
Screening followed by a talk with the audience moderated by Professor Jorge Gato (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto).

+ info: here


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