Wouldn't Make It Any Other Way
Hao Zhou
Documentary : 21' / Migrations, Family, Non-binary

Having built a colorful queer life in Iowa, an aspiring costume designer visits their island homeland of Guam to make customs for a children’s theater while reconnecting with distanced parents.


September 23 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
QL - Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: USA, Guam

Language: english

Subtitles: english

With: Marc Marcos

/ Direction

Hao Zhou


Hao Zhou is a filmmaker originally from southwest China, currently based in Ohio. Zhou’s films include narrative, nonfiction, and experimental works that explore queer experiences in spaces that are less often represented in the arts and media.


2024 - Wouldn't Make It Any Other Way (Short Documentary)
2023 - Here, Hopefully (Short Film)
2022 - Future Flowers (Short Film)
2021 - Frozen Out (Short Film)
2014 - The Night (Feature Film)

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