What Are You Looking for?
Iqran Rasheed
Documentary : 15' / Migrations, Identity, Cruising

Deepak, a Nepali migrant in Lisbon, seeks love in a toxic online gay dating culture obsessed with appearances. Facing objectification and racism, Deepak, along with the filmmaker, uncovers the reality of modern dating. Together, they seek an authentic connection built on understanding and respect.


October 10 | 17h15 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Casa Comum Award

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Portugal, Hungary, Belgium

Language: nepalese

Subtitles: english

With: Deepak Tamang

/ Direction

Iqran Rasheed


Iqran Rasheed is a Pakistani filmmaker, scriptwriter, and photographer based in Brussels. A recent graduate of the DocNomads program, he holds a master’s degree in Documentary Film Direction. His creative work delves into critical themes such as queer issues, gender and sexuality, masculinity, and human rights.


2023 – What Are You Looking for? (Short Documentary)

2020 – Habit (Short Film)

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