This Is Ballroom

Juru, Vitã

Documentary : 92' / Community, Performance, Queer

In Rio de Janeiro, city and outskirts, LGBTQI+ youths of color recreate ballroom culture on their own terms. A portrait of the dramas, the voguing performances, and the art of shade, fifty years after its inception in New York. Rio is burning!


October 11 | 21h30 | Batalha - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
QP - Official Competition

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Brazil

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: House Of Alafia, House Of Blyndex, House Of Bushidö, House Of Cabal, House Of Cazul, Casa De Cosmos, Casa De Dandara, Casa Dy Fokatruá, House Of Império, Casa De Lafond, House Of Mamba Negra, House Of Raabe, 007s

/ Direction

Juru, Vitã


* Juru is an artist-researcher in body art and cinema. Juru has a PhD in Arts (PPGARTES-UERJ) and a Master’s in Contemporary Art Studies (UFF).


** Vitã is a filmmaker and screenwriter focusing on musicals, LGBTQI+ narratives and documentaries. They coordinate the Ritornelo creative hub and the Moventes magazine. In the ballroom scene, she is Empress of the Legendary House of Lauren Brazil.


* ** 2024 - Salão de Baile (Documentary)

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