They and Them
Ingrid Kamerling
Documentary : 78' / Human Rights, Gender, Mental Health, Trans, Non-binary

A gender clinic in The Netherlands provides counselling for young individuals grappling with their gender identity. The documentary focuses on a diverse group of practitioners and on the myriads of dilemmas they face. Their guidance often precedes changes to official documents or significant medical interventions.


October 08 | 19h30 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Safe Spaces Program

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: The Netherlands

Language: dutch

Subtitles: english

/ Direction

Ingrid Kamerling

The Netherlands

Ingrid Kamerling (1981) is an independent documentary filmmaker and psychologist. She studied Audiovisual Media at St. Joost School of Art & Design and holds master’s degrees in Journalism & Media and in Psychology from the University of Amsterdam.


2023 - Genderpoli (Documentary)

2021 - Blue Monday (Documentary)

2021 - Echo (Documentary)

2020 - Restless Souls (Short Documentary)

2019 - Gran and Chris & the Red Car (Documentary)

2016 - The Bird Boy (Short Documentary)

2016 - Vivian Vivian (Documentary)

2015 - After the Summer (Short Documentary)

2012 - Sounds for Mazin (Short Documentary)

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