The Pleasure Is Mine
Sacha Amaral
Fiction : 94' / Family, Bisexual, Sex Work

Antonio, 20-years-old, wanders the streets of Buenos Aires in search of money and sex. The magnetism he exerts on the people who cross his path allows him to steal and cheat them. Only his mother, with whom he has a conflictual relationship, will get over his feeling of impunity and will push him to leave, to embark on his escape to the south.


September 24 | 22h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala Manoel de Oliveira Buy Tickets
QL - Feature Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Argentina, Brazil, France

Language: spanish

Subtitles: english and portuguese

With: Max Suen, Katja Alemann, Vladimir Durán, Sofía Palomino, Paco Onainty, Anabella Bacigalupo

/ Direction

Sacha Amaral


Sacha Amaral is a Brazilian scriptwriter and filmmaker, based in Argentina. He graduated from Universidad Nacional de las Artes – UMA (Buenos Aires), where he currently teaches dramaturgy.


2024 - El Placer Es Mío (Short Film)
2021 - Billy Boy (Short Film)
2019 - Grandes Son los Desiertos (Short Film)

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