Queen Size
Avril Besson
Fiction : 19' / Trans, Romance, Comedy, Lesbian

This morning, Marina has an appointment with Charlie to sell her a mattress. This evening, she will cancel her plane for Reunion. But they don't know that yet.


September 24 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
QL - Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: France

Language: french

Subtitles: english

With: Ada Costa, Evie Gomes, Vicente Parades, Alice Azevedo, Andreo Gustavo, Leandro Patrocínio

/ Direction

Avril Besson


After a Science degree, and studies at CELSA - Communication and Journalism School, Avril Besson joined the editing department of La Fémis in 2009. There, she edited numerous films, selected in international festivals.


2023 - Queen Size (Short Film)

2014 - Oups! (Short Film)

2013 - Adela (Short Documentary)

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