Tita Maravilha, Izzi Vitório, Bruno Victor
Documentary : 24' / Activism, Trans, Non-binary, Religion, Performance, Community

In Pirenópolis, Goiás (Brazil), the Divino Festivities have been taking place for 200 years. Tita was born in this small town and has precious emotional memories of the celebrations. Years later, by revisiting these memories, the artist intends to reconstruct and re-traditionalize the festivities through an emotional decolonial bias.


October 09 | 19h30 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Safe Spaces Program

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Brazil

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Tita Maravilha, Ieda Figueiró, Taira Nebul, Mag, Valentina, Vó Irani, Vó Nélia, Silmara

/ Direction

Tita Maravilha, Izzi Vitório, Bruno Victor


* Actress, singer, performer and clown, and through the idea of ​​a political body, Tita Maravilha brings into her artistic processes the pains and delights of being a dissident body. Brazilian, she has lived in Portugal since 2018, where she develops, together with Cigarra, the electronic music and performance project Trypas-Corassão, which has traveled to São Paulo, Brasília, Paris, Stockholm, Berlin and Lärz (Germany).


** Black queen, trans-masculine, from Goiás and living in Ceará (Brazil), Izzi Vitório is a producer, researcher and audiovisual director. In 2021, he completed the Audiovisual Directing course at Escola Pública Vila das Artes, in Fortaleza, and in 2023 the Script Development course at EICTV in San Antonio de los Baños, in Cuba. He is a founding partner of Cavala Filmes, an independent production company focused on projects crossed by issues of race and gender disobedience.


*** With a degree in Audiovisual from Universidade de Brasília and a master's degree in Multimedia from Unicamp, Bruno Victor is a director who has also worked as a character researcher and story producer. He has curated several festivals in Brazil, including Fade To Black, Mix Brasil and Mostra de Sesc Cinema.


* ** *** 2023 - Pirenopolynda (Short Documentary)

*** 2022 - Rumo (Docu-fiction)

** 2021 - Oriki para Perder o Medo do Mar (Short Film)

** 2020 - A Noite Se Tornará ainda Mais Escura (Short Film)

** 2018 - Coração É Terra que Ninguém Vê (Short Film)

** 2019 - O Homem que Não Morava Lá (Short Film)

*** 2017 - Afronte (Short Film)

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