One Night at Babes
Angelo Madsen Minax
Documentary : 29' / Community, Trans, Homophobia

In 2017 two trans men bought a bar in a long-abandoned railway depot in Bethel, Vermont (USA), population: 891. The young-ish queer proprietors transformed the bygone dive bar into a slightly cleaner dive bar called Babes. In no time Babes Bar was bustling and the conservative townsfolk of Bethel didn’t seem to care who was serving them as long as there was beer to be had.


October 10 | 19h30 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Safe Spaces Program

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: english

/ Direction

Angelo Madsen Minax


Angelo Madsen Minax is a multi-disciplinary artist, filmmaker and educator. His projects consider how human relationships are woven through personal and collective histories, cultures and kinships, with specific attention to subcultural experience, phenomenology, and the politics of desire. Madsen's works have shown at Berlinale, Sundance, Toronto or Tribeca. He teaches at the University of Vermont and is a Guggenheim Fellow.


© Leah James




2024 - One Night at Babes (Short Documentary)
2022 - Bigger on the Inside (Short Film)
2021 - Stay with Me, the World Is a Devastating Place (Experimental Short)
2021 - Two Sons and a River of Blood (Short Film)
2021 - North by Current (Documentary)
2019 - The Eddies (Short Documentary)
2017 - Kairos Dirt and the Errant Vacuum (Experimental Feature)
2015 - The Bowels of the Universe (with Shining Knees) (Experimental Short)
2012 - The Year I Broke My Voice (Experimental Feature)
2010 - Riot Acts: Flaunting Gender Deviance in Music Performance (Documentary)

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