Mike Hoolboom
Documentary : 7' / Archive, Conflict, Politics, Essay

A return to the fateful year of 1948 in Israel, reframed by a single photograph that is taken up one face at a time. Four figures on a hillside bear witness to the revolutionary society, the new state, the new law. Like too many moments of catastrophe, it is filled with invisibility charms and ghost relations. How to speak of what can’t be put into words, how to show what cannot be seen?


October 10 | 18h | Casa Comum (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto)
QP - Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2021

Country: Canada

Language: english

Subtitles: no subtitles

With: Mike Hoolboom (voice over)

/ Direction

Mike Hoolboom


Mike Hoolboom is a Canadian artist working in film and video. He started making films in 1980. He is responsible for over 100 films and has won tons of festival awards. In his work we can find biographical documentaries as well as works on capitalism, ecology, and HIV. He has also written, edited and co-edited over thirty books.


© Amy Halpern



2022 - Freedom from Everything (Documentary)
2021 - Nazareth (Short Documentary)
2020 - Judy versus Capitalism (Experimental Feature)
2019 - 27 Thoughts about My Father (Short Documentary)
2017 - 3 Dreams of Horses (Experimental Short)
2016 - We Make Couples (Documentary)
2003 - Imitations of Life (Experimental Feature)
1998 - 1+1+1 (Short Film)
1996 - Letters from Home (Short Documentary)
1994 - Frank’s Cock (Short Film)


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