Maksim Avdeev
Documentary : 15' / Family, Gay, Homophobia, Migrations

One year and half after fleeing Russia for being queer, filmmaker Maksim Avdeev breaks the silence with their nationalist father over the phone.


October 09 | 18h00 | Casa Comum (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto)
QP - Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Germany

Language: russian

Subtitles: english

With: Maksim Avdeev

/ Direction

Maksim Avdeev


Maksim Avdeev was born and raised in the Russian town of Agryz. Relocated to St. Petersburg, they pursued professional training as an actor, and started writing for cinema and participating in theater productions, short films and music videos. Motherhood, queer identity and feminism are pivotal terms in their artistic expression. Maksim is currently living in Berlin.


2024 – Monument (Short Documentary)

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