Bernardo Gramaxo
Fiction : 25' / Disability, Utopia, Trans, Community

Mercury is a celestial being who lives in our days and collects our dreams. Curious about what humans are dreaming about, every night he pays a visit to various people's homes and records their stories. But tonight, something will be different.


October 09 | 17h15 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Casa Comum Award

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Portugal

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Lorenzo Nóbrega, Vall Spirit Sant, Fernanda Martins, Sandra Baldé, Sanmyra Summer, Tatá Garrucho, Carolina Teixeira, Eríc Santos

/ Direction

Bernardo Gramaxo


Bernardo Gramaxo graduated in Cinema and Multimedia at Universidade Lusófona, in Lisbon. In 2014, he founded The Takes, an independent audiovisual production company.


2023 – Mercúrio (Short Film)

2018 – Kalunga (Documentary)

2010 – Quando os Monstros Se Vão Embora (Short Film)

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