Khobs & Chai
Noor Gatih
Documentary : 4' / Family, Migrations, Women

Stop motion conversation with a beloved grandmother.


October 10 | 18h | Casa Comum (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto)
QP - Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2021

Country: Canada

Language: arabic

Subtitles: english

/ Direction

Noor Gatih

Irak, Canada

Noor Gatih is an Iraqi-Canadian photographer and filmmaker from Toronto. Her work reflects on the relationship between identity and ethnicity, and on the concept of origins by trying to learn more about her Mandaean roots, an ethnic minority group in Iraq.


2021 - Pit-Stop (Short Documentary) 

2021 - Khobs & Chai (Short Documentary) 

2021 - Visions of Basra (Short Documentary) 

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