Isabelle Stengers: Building Hope on the Edge of the Abyss

Fabrizio Terranova
Documentary : 76' / Gender Studies, Eco-sex, Politics, Feminism

In a setting where a mysterious house and a magical forest intertwine, the turbulent Belgian philosopher Isabelle Stengers will unfold the thread of her thought.


© WrongMenNorth


October 11 | 18h00 | Batalha - Cafetaria & Bar
QP - Female Authors in Conversation

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Belgium

Language: french

Subtitles: português

With: Isabelle Stengers

/ Direction

Fabrizio Terranova


Brussels-based filmmaker Fabrizio Terranova (Italy, 1971) is also an activist, dramatist and teacher at ERG - école de recherche graphique, where he launched and co-runs the Master’s Program in Experimentation/Speculative Narration. He works in particular around the tensions, relationships and fallacious perceptions between “popular” cultures and “avant-garde” cultures.


2023 – Isabelle Stengers: fabriquer de l'espoir au bord du gouffre (Documentary)

2019 – Absolute Beginners (Documentary)

2016 – Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival (Documentary)

2010 – Josée Andréï, an Insane Portrait (Documentary)

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