Desire Lines
Jules Rosskam
Docu-fiction : 83' / Trans, Archive, Identity

An Iranian-American transman, Ahmad, searching for his place in history, finds more than just a link to the past in the archives.


© Marie Hinson, courtesy of Jules Rosskam


October 09 | 19h15 | Batalha - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
QP - Official Competition

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: english

With: Theo Germaine, Aden Hakimi, Em Modaff

/ Direction

Jules Rosskam


Jules Rosskam is an educator internationally award-winning trans filmmaker. His work has been screened at MoMA, British Film Institute, Arsenal Berlin, Anthology Film Archives, and hundreds of film festivals worldwide.


© Emilia Aghamizai


2024 - Desire Lines (Documentary)

2019 - Dance, Dance, Evolution (Short Documentary)

2018 - Something to Cry About (Short Documentary)

2018 - Paternal Rites (Documentary)

2012 - Thick Relations (Feature Film)

2008 - Against a Trans Narrative (Documentary)

2007 - F. Scott Fitzgerald Slept Here (Short Film)

2006 - Transparent (Documentary)

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