Cyborg Generation

Miguel Morillo Vega
Documentary : 63' / Art & Artists, Utopia, Bodies

Eighteen-year-old musician Kai Landre decides to design a cybernetic organ and illegally implant it into his own body, thus acquiring a new sense that allows him to perceive on Earth sounds coming from outer space.


September 21 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
QL - Documentary Competition

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Spain

Language: catalan, spanish, english

Subtitles: english

With: Kai Landre, Neil Harbisson, Moon Ribas, Manel de Aguas

/ Direction

Miguel Morillo Vega


Miguel Morillo Vega has a degree in Documentary Filmmaking. Since he graduated in 2017 in ESCAC (Universitat de Barcelona), he has worked on several projects as acting director.


2024 – Cyborg Generation (Documentário / Documentary)

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