Cum in My Heart (or the fabulous letting go of Thomas Timbère)
Mathieu Morel
Fiction : 22' / Terror, Gay, Bodies, Youth

A ghost tries to make contact with a poet. At the reception center for minors in Pont-Bragnolles (which is actually an orphanage, but that word is not said there), Thomas invents, Thomas fantasizes.


October 11 | 22h | Passos Manuel
QP - Nights at Passos

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: France

Language: french

Subtitles: no subtitles

With: Mathieu Morel, Jordan Brandão Rodrigues, Florine Leleu (voice over)

/ Direction

Mathieu Morel


Mathieu Morel is a French actor and filmmaker that studied Cinema in Paris. Along with Léolo, they founded the Horschamp - Rencontres de Cinéma in 2015, an association working to disseminate heritage films and organize meetings and discussions with numerous artists.


2024 - ANAPIDAE (appelle moi) (Short Film)

2023 - The Deep Queer Massacre (Short Film) 

2022 - Cum in My Heart (ou le fabuleux lâcher prise de Thomas Timbère) (Short Film)

2021 - Ce qu’il advient quand de pauvres beaux hétéros postent des photos d’eux sur l’internet (Short Film)

2021 - La belle et la bête (Short Film)

2020 - Awake but Dreaming (ou l’hypnose opérée par Tumblr sur ma pauvre cervelle) (Short Film)

2019 - Aussi fort que tu peux (Short Film)

2019 - Je ne sais pas qui je suis mais je sais ce que j’aime (Short Film)

2018 - Night of the Living Sluts (Short Film)

2013 - Love 2.0 (Short Film)

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