Can’t Stop Change: Queer Climate Stories from the Florida Frontlines
Vanessa Raditz, Natalia Villarán-Quiñones, Yarrow Koning, Shoog McDaniel, Jess Martínez
Documentary : 97' / Human Rights, Eco-sex, Community, Queer

As another volatile legislative season comes to a close, the film depicts the real-world impact of attacks on queer, trans, and other marginalized communities in Florida. Simultaneously, the film examines the ways that policy disasters worsen the effects of natural disasters, such as Florida’s historic Hurricane Ian. Through place-based interviews on rising seas, stronger storms, and escalating state violence in Florida and beyond, the film articulates a timely intersectional climate justice narrative.


October 10 | 19h30 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Safe Spaces Program

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: english, spanish

With: Vanessa Raditz, Natalia Villarán-Quiñones, Yarrow Koning, Shoog McDaniel, Jess Martínez

/ Direction

Vanessa Raditz, Natalia Villarán-Quiñones, Yarrow Koning, Shoog McDaniel, Jess Martínez


As the Co-Directing team, Vanessa Raditz, Natalia Villarán-Quiñones, Yarrow Koning, Shoog McDaniel and Jess Martínez, have shepherded this project from the beginning, but the larger Can't Stop Change team, a community project aiming for queer climate justice strategies, includes many folks who have contributed crucially with technical support, advising, translation and organizing.


2024 – Can’t Stop Change: Queer Climate Stories from the Florida Frontlines (Documentary)

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