Buffer Zone

Savvas Stavrou
Fiction : 16' / Conflict, Gay, Politics, Borders

Two young soldiers across enemy lines fall in love and find escape from their oppressive environments through music.


October 09 | 18h00 | Casa Comum (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto)
QP - Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Cyprus, UK

Language: greek and english

Subtitles: english

With: Andreas Marcou, Adnan Mustafa

/ Direction

Savvas Stavrou


Savvas Stavrou is a Cypriot-born writer and director based in London. He was an alumni of the Sundance Lab and Berlinale Talents.


2023 – Buffer Zone (Short Film)

2020 – The Most Beautiful Boy (Short Film)

2020 – Let Go (Short Film)

2019 – A Jar of Nuts (Short Film)

2015 – Interlude (Short Film)

2014 – Dorothea (Short Film)

2010 – Song to the Siren (Short Film)

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