Body of Crime

Fiction : 81' / Romance, Gay, Politics

Jean, a young videographer, turns to arms after the death of a friend during a police arrest. While imprisoned awaiting trial, spirits visit him.


October 10 | 21h30 | Batalha - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
QP - Official Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: France

Language: french

Subtitles: english

With: Mathieu Morel, Aurélien Daniel, Denis Lavant, Eric Genovese, Bertrand Bonello, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie (voice over)

/ Direction



Along with Mathieu Morel, Léolo Victor-Pujebet is the founder and artistic director of the Horschamp France cultural association. He has directed several shorts and worked with directors such as Bertrand Bonello and Christophe Honoré. Alongside film, Léolo also works with photography.


2023 - Le Corps du délit (Feature Film)

2021 - The Day I've Been Fucked in Front of the Entire World (Experimental Short)

2020 - Political Film (Short Film)

2019 - S.B on Set (Short Documentary)

2018 - Permit de construire (Short Film)

2014 - Mister M (Short Film)

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