A Part of Us
Flávio Botelho
Fiction : 89' / Trauma, Family, Gay

Francisca and Carlos struggle to adapt to their new reality after the suicide of their only son, Felipe. Immersed in fantasies, fears and melancholy, the couple separates. Carlos moves into Felipe's old apartment, alienating himself with his dead son's life. Francisca, haunted by guilt, dedicates herself to unraveling the enigma of suicide.


© Leo Resende Ferreira


October 10 | 19h15 | Batalha - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
QP - Official Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Brazil

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Denise Weinberg, Cacá Amaral, Kelner Macêdo, Clarice Niskier, Henrique Schafer, Justine Otondo

/ Direction

Flávio Botelho


Flávio Botelho is a Brazilian director, screenwriter and producer.


2023 - A Metade de Nós (Feature Film)

2014 - Crónicas de uma Cidade (Documentary)

2013 - O Táxi de Escher (Short Film)

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