A House Is Not a Disco
Brian J. Smith
Documentary : 90' / Gentrification, Community, Queer, Utopia

What if you really did put all the gays on an island? In this kaleidoscopic portrait of queer paradise Fire Island, past and present blur as the iconic beach town bands together to celebrate its legacy and redefine itself for a new, more inclusive era.


October 11 | 17h15 | Batalha - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
QP - Safe Spaces Program

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Scott Bromley, Iman Le Caire, Eric Sawyer, Stevie Williams, Nick Ammaturo, Rich Margolius

/ Direction

Brian J. Smith


Brian J. Smith (1981) is a North American actor. He studied at Collin County Community College, in Texas, and at Juilliard School, in New York City. A House Is Not a Disco is his directorial debut.


2024 – A House Is Not a Disco (Documentary)

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