I Don’t Want to Be Just a Memory

Sarnt Utamachote
Documentary : 20' / Trauma, Community, Drugs, Queer

Fellow Berlin queer community members mourn the substance abuse-related loss of their dead friends by sharing memories and rituals. Resembling glowing-in-the-dark fungi, they radiate light together as a network of support and care.


September 22 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
QL - Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Germany

Language: english and spanish

Subtitles: english

With: marum, Andre Fau, René Bertune, Katharina "Tinka“ Frommann, RTALIN, Orion Dahling, Andrei Mihu, Diana Kleimenova

/ Direction

Sarnt Utamachote


Sarnt Utamachote is a South East Asian non-binary filmmaker and curator. They believe that cinema can be a tool for social engagement and collective healing. They are co-founder of German-Thai artist collective un.thai.tled and have curated exhibitions and programs on postcolonial histories, South East Asian diaspora, and activism in the divided Germany.


2024 - I Don’t Want To Be Just A Memory (Short Documentary)

2022 - Sonic Reverbs (Short Documentary)

2021 - Soy Sauce (Short Film)

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